Blog posts


Study Note on “Information Lattice Learning”

8 minute read


Information Lattice Learning1 (ILL) is a journal paper published in 2023 trying to address the explainability challenge of AI. Instead of predicting data X and target Y, it focuses on explaining the so-called “what makes X an X” (or “what makes X differ from Y”).

  1. Yu, Haizi, James A. Evans, and Lav R. Varshney. “Information lattice learning.” Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 77 (2023): 971-1019.: 
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The Yu-Gi-Oh Project (repost)

4 minute read


This is the most interesting project I had ever done! Inspired by the Japanese anime: “Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game”, I was lucky to have a group of three working it in May, 2015. This is a comprehensive project that includes mechanical 3-axis arm design, electrical circuit layout, firmware/software programming, and even handcrafting skills! Read more