Try out some of my cool Scratch projects here and explore!

1. Linux terminal simulator

:exclamation: Important: PLEASE READ BEFORE USE

This project implements a minimum set of common utilities including: ls, cd, pwd, clear, uptime, mkdir, rm, vim, history, list - (under development)

To launch each, just type on terminal.

NOTE 1: delete/backspace key is replaced by left key due to Scratch’s limitation.

NOTE 2: :warning: Warning: ANY CREATED FILE IS VOLATILE. The simulated file system (:sparkles: yes! This project contains a toy version of file system :sparkles:) cannot hold any data once the RED button is clicked. Every time when GREEN flag is clicked, a clean and fresh new file system is generated.

NOTE 3: Currently no flags/options are supported for tools/utilities except necessary path/name string is needed by: cd, ls, mkdir, vim

NOTE 4: build-in games: snake game is under home directory. How to launch? After GREEN flag:

  1. type ls and hit enter -> you will see games directory.
  2. type cd games and hit enter to change directory to games
  3. repeat 1. to see a file called snake
  4. type ./snake to launch the game and have fun!

2. Virtual mechanical adder

A non-interactive demo project showing how an “adder” in computer world can be implemented mechanically. Also, the binary format of the accumulating number is shown. Please bear with the slow progress of the simulation.

3. Space shooting

An educational space shooting game. (music)


There are more fun Scratch projects of mine, please check out: